SEOBASH Digital-Marketing-Agency

Case Study

Silver Gold Bull | SEO Optimization




133% increase in users

Project Services

Website Design & Development


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The Problem

Beam faced the challenge of not having a website for their business, which limited their ability to establish an online presence and effectively showcase their offerings.

The Solution

To address this issue, we devised a tailored solution based on the client’s inspiration and business needs. We created a fresh, fun, and modern design that effectively portrayed how Beam helps their customers. Implementing the best homepage layout strategy, we ensured that important information was strategically placed for maximum impact. Furthermore, we crafted new copy for the website and services, capturing the essence of the client’s value proposition. After the website launch, we seamlessly transitioned to a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to enhance the website’s visibility and reach.

The Result

The results of our solution were remarkable. Following the website launch, Beam experienced significant growth in various metrics. There was a remarkable 133% increase in users, indicating a growing audience engaging with the website. The number of new users also witnessed a substantial rise, with an impressive 113% increase, demonstrating the website’s ability to attract and captivate new visitors. Additionally, the event count saw a significant boost, increasing by 147%, highlighting increased engagement and interaction with the website’s content. Moreover, the average engagement time surged by 110%, indicating that visitors were spending more time on the website, demonstrating the effectiveness of the design and content.

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Using our analysis technique, we’ll be able to tell you how much traffic you’re missing out on, and how much revenue you could be making with an effective SEO Campaign.

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